
Putting on a swimsuit is an act of bravery for any woman.

It doesn't matter the size or shape of the body -it doesn't matter if you're a miss or a model- women are very conscious when it comes to showing ourselves, always. Much more with little clothing.

I know because, like you, I have been in front of the cameras or on catwalks in very small pieces and I have felt the nerves and the pressure of looking perfect.

I also know -like you- that the beach or the pool are the catwalks of every woman in a bathing suit and the eyes of her audience. Sense of G is born there.

Developing the confidence to wear a piece without complexes takes years. In addition to a visual work (food, exercise or pose), I have learned that it is also and above all an effort of trust, of getting to know each other, of finding the essence of each one and literally feeling comfortable in your own skin.

Sense of G is the result of my process and an effort to flatter our figure as women. The right swimsuit - as an accessory to your essence - can make that difference. I want whoever wears my clothes to be able to feel that power of carrying their body with grace and safety.

I have paid attention and care in the design from the shapes and colors. But I want to capture not only what I find beautiful artistically, but also enhance the lines and curves of the female body.

Sense of G is for me a result, but for you it is an invitation to feel really comfortable, attractive and powerful when you need it most.